
Learn about CABOMETYX for certain people with papillary and follicular thyroid cancer (2 types of differentiated thyroid cancer)
CABOMETYX is a kind of prescription medicine called a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). It is given as a tablet.
It is used to treat:
- Adults and children 12 years and older with papillary or follicular thyroid cancer (2 types of differentiated thyroid cancer, or DTC) that has progressed after a VEGFR-targeted/TKI medicine and can't be treated with radioactive iodine.
How CABOMETYX may help
CABOMETYX is proven to help certain people with papillary or follicular thyroid cancer (2 types of DTC) in clinical studies.
In a clinical study, CABOMETYX was given to people with differentiated thyroid cancer that had spread and progressed after prior treatment with a VEGFR-targeted/TKI medicine. These people could no longer be treated with radioactive iodine. The clinical study results were analyzed at different times.
The results of the later analysis are not based on the same type of testing as the first analyzed and should not be considered conclusive.
In the first analysis:

125 people took CABOMETYX

62 people took placebo
In the later analysis:

170 people took CABOMETYX

88 people took placebo
Proven results with CABOMETYX
In the first analysis
People taking CABOMETYX were able to
In the first analysis, more than half of people who took CABOMETYX did not see their cancer get worse or spread. Meaning, a study goal known as median progression free survival* was not yet reached.

In the FIRST AND LATER ANALYSES, people taking CABOMETYX reduced the risk of their cancer growing or spreading by 78% compared to placebo.
In the later analysis
People taking CABOMETYX were able to LIVE LONGER without their cancer growing or spreading
for placebo
Median progression free survival*
More people taking CABOMETYX had a response† to treatment
(10/67 people)
(0/33 people)
for placebo
While there was a response rate, it did not reach this goal of the study.‡
Individual results may vary.
- *
Median progression free survival is the length of time from the start of treatment in a study that half the people lived without their tumors growing or spreading.
- †
All responses were partial responses. A partial response is a decrease in the size of a tumor, or in the extent of cancer in the body, in response to treatment.
- ‡
The response rate did not reach statistical significance, which is a mathematical measure of difference between groups. The difference is said to be statistically significant if it is greater than what might be expected to happen by chance alone.
Side Effects
Hear a Patient and Doctor Share Their Perspectives About Side Effects
Thomas Hutson, D.O., Pharm.D., and Rosa, an actual patient, talk about the importance of knowing what to expect with side effects of CABOMETYX.
This video features a real patient and doctor to show one individual’s treatment experience with CABOMETYX. Some participants were paid for their time and expenses in sharing their story. Individual results may vary. The information in this video is not intended as medical advice. Your healthcare team is your best resource for information about your treatment. If you have any questions about your condition or treatment, contact your healthcare team.
What are the most common side effects of CABOMETYX?
Taking CABOMETYX may cause side effects. The most common side effects of CABOMETYX include: tiredness, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, and constipation.
Learn about additional side effects, including serious side effects associated with CABOMETYX here.

Patient Brochure
Download this resource to learn more about CABOMETYX, and help you discuss with your doctor if it is right for you.

The BE CONNECTED support program provides educational information for you or someone you are caring for who is taking CABOMETYX.